"Balancing Accounts"- A donor impact article for the University of Miami School of Business magazine

"Balancing Accounts"- A donor impact article for the University of Miami School of Business magazine

Aiming to inspire others to donate to the University of Miami Business School, acknowledge and thank the donor, and tell an interesting story that readers of the school’s magazine would want to read. Appeared in the magazine and on the magazine website.

By Rochelle Broder-Singer

When Hillelene (Bluming) Lustig (BBA ’55) was a student at the School of Business, there were only two other women studying accounting with her. “It was a different world back then,” says the 78-year-old, who still works as a CPA. “In my era, most women either became a nurse or a teacher.” None of it would have happened, though, without the help of a great-uncle.

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